A Differential SFBC-OFDM for a DMB System with Multiple Antennas


A differential space-frequency block code - orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (SFBC-OFDM) scheme as a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission technique for next-generation digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB) is proposed in this paper. A linear decoding method for differential SFBC, which performs comparably to the ML decoding method, is derived for the cases of two or four transmit antennas. A simple table lookup method is proposed to improve the efficiency of the encoding/decoding process of DSFBC for the case of non-constant modulus constellations. A DMB MIMO channel model, developed by extending the 3GPP MIMO model to fit DMB environments, is used to compare BER performances of differential space block code schemes for various channel environments. Simulation results show that the differential SFBC-16QAM scheme using either four transmit antennas with one receive antenna or two transmit antennas with two receive antennas achieves a performance gain of 12dB than that of the conventional DQPSK scheme, even with a data rate twice faster.



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