Effect of Addition of Red Wine on the Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Score of Cooked Pork Patty

가열 돈육 Patty의 이화학적 및 관능적 특성에 영향을 미치는 적포도주의 첨가 효과

  • Jung, In-Chul (Division of Food Beverage and Culinary Arts, Daegu Technical College) ;
  • Youn, Dong-Hwa (Dept. of Skin Care, Daegu Technical College) ;
  • Park, Kyung-Sook (Division of Hotel Culinary Art and Nutrition, Daegu Technical College) ;
  • Lee, Kyung-Soo (Division of Food, Beverage and Curinary Art, Young College of Science and Technology) ;
  • Moon, Yoon-Hee (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Kyungsung University)
  • 정인철 (대구공업대학 식음료조리계열) ;
  • 윤동화 (대구공업대학 피부미용과) ;
  • 박경숙 (대구공업대학 호텔영양계열) ;
  • 이경수 (영남이공대학 식음료조리계열) ;
  • 문윤희 (경성대학교 식품공학과)
  • Published : 2007.04.30


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the addition of red wine on the physicochemical properties ana sensory score of cooked pork patties. The samples consisted of the pork patty without red wine(control), and 1, 3 and 5% red wine(RWP-1, 3 and 5, respectively). There were no significantly differences in the moisture$(58.1\sim58.7%)$, crude protein$(15.9\sim16.3%)$ crude fat$(23.2\sim23.7%)$, and crude ash$(2.7\sim2.9%)$ contents, and the Hunter's $a^*-value(0.2\sim0.6)$, cooking loss$(16.5\sim19.2%)$, VBN$(11.9\sim15.6mg%)$, total bacterial count($(11.9\sim15.6mg%)$ Log cfu/mL), hardness$(3,193\sim3,336\;dyne/cm^2)$, springiness$(75.8\sim79.7%)$, cohesiveness$(47.8\sim52.1%)$, gumminess$(489\sim509kg)$, chewiness$(183\sim209g)$ and strength $(1,144\sim1,199g)$ between the pork patties. Of the pork patties the $L^*$ value of the control and the b value of RWP-5 were the lowest(p<0.05). The pH and TBARS value of RWP-5 were the lowest of all the pork patties. The flavor of RWP-5 was superior to that of the other pork patties, and the taste, texture, juiciness and palatability of RWP-3 and RWP-5 were superior to those of the control and RWP-1. In conclusion, the addition of 5% red wine was most suitable for enhancing the physicochemical properties and sensory score of pork patties.
