유아의 부정적 정서에 대한 부모의 정서반응과 유아의 정서지식 및 정서반응 - 저소득층 유아와 중류층 유아의 비교 -

Parents' Emotional Reactions to Preschoolers' Negative Emotions, Emotional Knowledge, and Emotional Reaction: A Comparison Between Low-income and Middle-income Preschoolers

  • Sung, Mi-Young (Department of Child Studies, Seokyeong University) ;
  • Choi, In-Suk (Department of Child & Family Studies, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Kang-Yi (Research Institute of Human Ecology)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


This study investigated preschoolers' emotional knowledge, emotional reactions and parents' emotinal reactions to children's negative emotions according to their family income and sex. Subjects were 99 five-year-olds(46 low-income preschoolers, 53 middle-income preschoolers) recruited from three day-care centers and a kindergarten in Seoul and their parents. Each child was individually interviewed with pictorial tasks and parents reported on their own reactions by questionnaires. Results showed that low-income preschoolers were lower than middle-income preschoolers in emotional knowledge. Low-income preschoolers showed higher level of perceptions of the peer's anger in emotional reactions than middle-income preschoolers. Low-income mothers also were more likely than middle income mothers to show punitive reaction in parents' emotional reactions.



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