시뮬레이션을 이용한 철도터널 화재 사고의 승객 안전도 분석

A Study on Analysis of Passenger Safety in Railroad Tunnel Fire - Using Simulation -

  • 김동진 (부산대학교, 국제전문 대학원) ;
  • 문성암 (국방대학교 관리대학원) ;
  • 김동건 (동덕여자 대학교 데이터 정보학과) ;
  • 김경섭 (국방대학교 관리대학원) ;
  • 장용준 (한국철도기술연구원 환경화재연구팀) ;
  • 정우성 (한국철도기술연구원 환경화재연구팀)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


In this paper, the methodology to predict the number of deaths and possible fire propagation scenarios will be described in case of fire on a train in a tunnel. We use a probabilistic analysis method for the evaluation of possibility for each scenario and the deaths tolls are calculated with the help of the passenger evacuation simulation program. The resulting safety of passengers is displayed on a F/N graph, which could be used in part as a guideline to predict the safety level of the tunnel in fire.



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