철도종사원의 성격유형과 직무만족에 관한 실증적 연구 II

A Empirical Study II on the Relationship Between the Railway Employs' Personality Types and the Work Satisfaction

  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


Recently, The business environment is very rapidly changed and complicated. Therefore, the companies are confront with the biggest difficulty. To overcome this difficulty, the management should be able to accomplish the human resources management and the efficient business management. Korea railroad industry has a close association with national life as it carries out public works based on its public nature as well as purses the corporate spirit. For that reason, Korea railroad industry has a great spin-off on national economy and exerts a tremendous impact on the improvement of productivity around the industries and the international competitiveness at aspect of efficiency resulting from business rationalization. Railroad system can be described as organic. Railroad Employs take a great role in this system. According the psychology and the Organization Behavior, the decision maker's personality and employee' work satisfaction have influence on performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the Railroad Employs' Personality and Work satisfaction which influence on the efficient business management.



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