The Effect of Job Attitude and Organization Absorption of theCooks in Special Grade Hotels on Their Job satisfaction

특급 호텔 조리직 종사원의 직무 태도와 조직 몰입이 직무 만족에 미치는 영향

  • 채현석 (대경대학 호텔조리학부)
  • Published : 2007.09.30


This study was conducted to investigate how job attitude and organization absorption of hotel employees influence their job satisfaction and present a plan for development to the high level based on the result. It carried out the survey with 289 cooks of special grade hotels in Seoul area. According to the result, organization absorption raised by .677 when emphasizing job roles and it raised .141 when stressing the organization behavior. Furthermore, it revealed that job roles and the factor of organization behavior influenced(p<05) job satisfaction, while job roles affected job achievement(p<05). What is more, it appeared that the factors of organization absorption significantly affected satisfaction and achievement each in statistics. Considering such results, it can be presented that job attitude of cooks in special grade hotels who have optimistic mind meaningfully influenced organization absorption and job satisfaction. It showed that even though the job imposed on the cooks of special grade hotels are relatively high, organization absorption goes up as job attitude is positive, which means high productivity connecting with job satisfaction in the end.
