A Method for Optimal Location of Feeder Tie Switches for Improving Equal Load of Electric Power Equipment in Distribution Automation System

배전자동화 시스템에서 전력설비 부하균등화를 고려한 피더간 연계점 최적위치선정

  • Published : 2007.05.01


This paper proposes a new algorithm to find optimal location of open switches connecting feeders in distribuion system. In order to enhance power system reliability by minimizing outage area in case of fault, the load balance among the facilities such as transformers and feeders is considered to optimize. The combination of optimal position of normal open switches can be found by moving tie along the direct path connecting two feeders related to the open switch while the whole optimization problem is separated into many small problems. The proposed algorithm is shown by case study results that, it is simple and takes short calculation time to apply to the DAS (Distribution Automation System) in KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Cooperation).



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