A Study on the Temperature Measuring System of an Oral Cavity

구강 내부 온도 계측을 위한 센서 시스템 연구

  • Published : 2007.06.01


In this study, a novel sensor system for measuring the temperature inside an oral cavity is proposed. With this aim, a small size of thermistor was used for resolving the cavity's temperature with the resolution of $0.1^{\circ}C$. To evaluate effectiveness of our sensor system, the temperature and its output voltage characteristic, and the specifications of response are investigated. It turned out to be that our sensor system has a linear property in terms of temperature variations for a healthy subject's body temperature range and has a good response time within 3 seconds. Also, in order to investigate the medical application, our sensor system is sought to measure the real temperature variations of a subject's oral cavity and ark shell especially for 'before' and 'after' exercise mode.



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