우리나라 간호원가 연구의 동향 분석

The Trends of Cost Analysis on Nursing Services

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Purpose: The objective of this literature review study was to identify research's trends and methodological issues of cost analysis on nursing services. Methods: Researches which analyzed nursing services cost, were selected from journal articles and master or doctoral dissertation studies. The total numbers of the collected studies were 23. Results: The number of studies on nursing services cost has been increased rapidly since middle-1990. The 5 methodological frameworks to classify the cost analysis researches was found. 4 researches were using the traditional costing method. 6 researches were using the clinical patient classification systems. 4 researches were using the Korean Diagnosis Related Group (KDRG). 5 researches were using the Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS). 4 researches were using the Activity Based Costing (ABC). Conclusion: These results will be used to provide the basic data for developing a more refined cost analysis method on nursing services. For further studies, we will suggest that the consent criteria of cost items need to measure nursing services be developed and the conducting cost analysis on nursing services be networked a hospital's cost management system.
