굴패각을 사용한 철근콘크리트 보의 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

An Experimental Study on the Structural Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Oyster Shells

  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


This is an experimental study on the structural characteristics of reinforced concrete beams using of the oyster shells as a substitute fine aggregate of concrete. In this study, the main factors consist of the grain sizes and the percentage of substitution of oyster shells to fine aggregate in the equal water cement ratio. The results of the study showed as followed. The initial load value of them represented similar constant within 10% of the maximum load value in each test beam. But the maximum load value and the ultimate load value decreased with increased grain size and the rate of substitution. As the grain size of oyster shells became smaller, the load values of them were somewhat higher. The deflection among deformation properties of reinforced concrete beams with oyster shells represented typical curves like that of normal reinforced concrete. In the deformation of steel and concrete, the deformation was proportionated to the load till yield point and from yield point until approaching the ultimate load point. One type was typical curve of the load and the deformation and the other type irregularly was changed to very small deformation for the load increase centering around load axis. After the analyzing structural behaviors and the properties of reinforced concrete test beams with oyster shells, the most excellent grain size of oyster shells represented 1.0mm and less or 5.0mm and less with taking uniformly, and the percentage of practicable substitution of them to fine aggregate was about 30%.



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