고령화미래 사회통합방안으로서의 기존 주거지역내 노인공동사용주택에 대한 태도연구

The responses on elderly shared group house as a socially integrated housing alternative in aging society

  • 이정화 (연세대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이연숙 (연세대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이수진 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


While the importance of social integration has been mainly emphasized in the fields of social welfare services for the elderly, disabled and lower income citizens, many types of elderly housing had been developed in a way of segregating the elderly from society rather than integrating. Meanwhile, shared group house may allow older people to 'age in place' within the communities where they used to live by providing them with social, economic and practical benefits. The purpose of this study is to carry out empirical research on responses to elderly shared group house. Interview survey with questionnaire was conducted among 138 elderly people between 60-75 years old, living in Seoul and its metropolitan area. Responses of the elderly included awareness, perception and preference. It was revealed that the respondents had negative perceptions on existing shared group house in Korea. Most of the respondents showed preference to moving into socially-integrated type of shared group houses developed within their communities. This study indicated the potential of such type shared group house to become a favorable housing alternative for elderly people which supports their sustainable independent living within community.



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