A Study on the Use of Bryophyte in Greening Man-made Structures

선태식물을 이용한 인공구조물 녹화가능성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2007.06.29


This research focuses primarily on the feasibility of applying bryophyte to man-made structures in modern urban environment. The study is based both on the role of bryophyte known in the process of the naturalization that life has come on the land and the physiological and ecological characteristics of bryophyte. The primary characteristics of this species lie in its desiccation-tolerance and poikilohydry that supports its enduring survival even under the desperate environmental conditions. The monitoring of applying bryophyte to man-made structures has shown us that bryophyte could control microclimate conditions, help to mitigate flood by reducing runoff, and lessen thermal conductivity, etc. The application of bryophyte to man-made structures has just started since 2002. Even though efforts to use bryophyte in greening man-made structures in Japan and Korea have resulted in both successes and failures, it is noticeable that there has been quite much technical progress in using this unique plant species.



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