A Study on the Analysis of the Water Quantity of the Rainwater Detention System based on the Planning Simulation in the Wonheungs' ecological park

모의실험에 의한 청주S(3)택지개발지구 원흥이생태공원일대 우수저류시설의 빗물저류효과 분석 연구

  • Published : 2007.04.30


The purpose of this research is to analyze the water quantity of the rainwater detention system based on the Planning Simulation in Residential Areas. The contents of this research consists of two main parts. The first part is to calculate the supply water quantity of the rainwater detention system and the demand water quantity of the Wonheungs' ecological park. The second part is to analyze the difference between demand and supply of water quantity, based on the Planning Simulation, in the rainwater detention system. This research will contribute to the establishment of the environment-friendly site planning methods which increase the quality of residential environment in apartment housing.



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