급배수 설비소음 평가방법 선정을 위한 실험적 연구

An study on the Noise rating of water supply and drain installations in apartment bathroom

  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


This study aims to propose appropriate evaluating method of noise emission from water supply and drain installations in apartment bathroom. The measurement procedure of water installations noise in apartment bathroom were established, so it is necessary to provide the evaluating method and criteria to improve the sound insulation performance of the apartment and to reduce the apartment dweller's unsatisfaction with the noise. Thus, this study reviewed the standards and evaluating methods about the water supply and drain installations noise of many other country. After measuring the noise emission from the installations in many apartment bathroom, The noise were evaluated dB(A), N, NC index, To induce the appropriate method, the coefficient of the correlation among the evaluated numbers were analyzed. As a result, the dB(A) method is most easy to evaluating and very high correlated with N and N index, So the dB(A) method is suitable to be adopted KS evaluating procedure of noise emission from water installations in apartment bathroom.



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