Template-based Automatic 3D Model Generation from Automotive Freehand Sketch

템플릿을 이용한 자동차 프리핸드 스케치의 3D 모델로 자동변환

  • 천상욱 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 한순흥 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2007.08.31


Seamless data integration in the CAx chain of the CAD/CAPP/CAM/CNC has been achieved to a high degree, but research concerning the transfer of data from conceptual sketches to a CAD system should be carried out further. This paper presents a method for reconstructing a 3D model from a freehand sketch. Sketch-based modeling research can be classified into gestural modeling methods and reconstructional modeling methods. This research involves the reconstructional modeling method. Here, Mitani's seminal work, designed for box-shaped 3D model using a predefined template, is improved by leveraging a relational template and specialized for automotive design. Matching between edge graphs of the relational template and the sketch is formulated and solved as the assignment problem using the feature vectors of the edges. Including the stroke preprocessing method required to generate an edge graph from a sketch, necessary procedures and relevant techniques for implementing the template-based modeling method are described. Examples from a working implementation are given.



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