중국 도시와 농촌의 노인복지정책에 관한 비교 연구

A Comparative Study of the Welfare Policy for the Aged in Rural and Urban in China

  • 고춘란 (중국 장춘공업대학교 인문사회학과) ;
  • 김선희 (고신대학교 인문사회복지대학 사회복지부)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The scale and the extent of a aging of population of a rural are more serious than those of a urban in China. However, the welfare policy and the service for the aged in the rural are inferior. China established the different systems of social welfare policy for the city and the rural and has administered it since the china was established. Owing to an open-door policy(opening of a reform) the gap between the two got more deeply distinguished. Accordingly. the striking difference is shown in a living environment and a quality of life of the cities and the rural. I made clear the difference of services for the aged in the rural and the urban examining daily lives, medical industry, recreation systems and so on and analyzing their sources. In addition, I proposed the ways to establish synthetic social welfare policy of the urban and the rural.
