Journal for History of Mathematics (한국수학사학회지)
- Volume 20 Issue 3
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- Pages.27-42
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- 2007
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- 1226-931X(pISSN)
On Euler : His Life and Mathematics, and Euler Archive
오일러가 수학사에 미친 영향에 대한 소고 오일러의 탄생 300주년을 기념하며
- Koh, Young-Mee (Department of Mathematics, Suwon University) ;
Ree, Sang-Wook
(Department of Mathematics, Suwon University)
- Published : 2007.08.31
Many countries in the world are celebrating the tercentenary of the birth of L. Euler. One of them to notice is the construction of the Euler Archive, which is an online archive, made by two Ph.D. graduates from Dartmouth College. On the appearance of the archive, the authors remind of the life and works of mathematician L. Euler, who is considered as the most prolific, prominent, and versatile mathematician with the huge volume of his works as well as their importances, in the history of mathematics. Celebrating the 300th birthyear of L. Euler and the appearance of Euler Archive, authors suggest The Korean Society for History of Mathematics of investigating on Euler by ourselves as Koreans, and furthermore translating some works of his. Such works may stimulate interests in mathematics and its history to students as well as scholars.
오일러의 탄생 300주년을 기념하여 2007년에 세계 각국에서는 각종 학술행사가 계획되고, 미국에는 오일러의 업적을 온라인상에 모아놓은 Euler Archive가 생겼다. 본 글에서는 Euler Archive의 활용을 제안하는 한편, 현재에 이르기까지 수학사상 가장 많은 업적을 일궈낸 오일러의 삶을 간단히 돌아보고, 그가 증명한 수학 정리들 중에서 가장 대표적인 10개의 정리들에 대한 배경과 수학 지식세계에 미친 영향을 살펴봄으로써 오일러의 탄생 300주년을 축하하고자 한다.