- Mary Jo Pugh, Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts. 2nd ed. (Chicago: Society of American Archivists. 2005). p.24
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- Pugh, Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts. 2nd ed. (Chicago: Society of American Archivists. 2005). p.24
- Gabrielle Blais and David Enns, "From Paper Archives to People Archives: Public Programming in the Management of Archives." Archivaria, No.31(Winter 1990-91), p.101
- Frank B Evans ed., The Administration of Modern Archives: A Select Bibliographic Guide(Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1970), pp.72-82
- Frances O'Donnell, "Reference Service in an Academic Archives," The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol.26, No.2(March 2000). p.110
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- Blais and Enns. "From Paper Archives to People Archives: Public Programming in the Management of Archives." Archivaria, No.31(Winter 1990-91), p.101
- Thomas H. Hickerson, "Ten Challenges for the Archival Profession," American Archivist, Vol.64, No.1(2001) pp.11-12
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- James Edward Cross, "Archival Reference: State of the Art," In: Laura B. Cohen ed. Reference Services for Archives and Manuscipts(The Haworth Press Inc.: New York, 1997), p.11
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- Philip Kotler, 비영리조직 마케팅, 정익준 역(서울: 영풍문고, 1999), p.13
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- Kotler,비영리조직 마케팅, 정익준 역(서울: 영풍문고, 1999)., p.139
- Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, 마케팅 원론, 윤훈현, 설상철 공역(서울: 석정, 2003), p.265
- Rowley, "From Users to Customers?" OCLC Systems and Services, Vol.16, No.4(2000), p.160
- Kotler, 비영리조직 마케팅, 정익준 역(서울: 영풍문고, 1999), p.140
- Kotler and Armstrong, op. cit., pp.274-284. Kotler, Ibid., pp.140-147(경우에 따라 지리적 변수 중 국제 시장이 행동변수 중 혜택이 별도의 기준으로 제시되기도 한다(문준연, 전게서, pp.206-210)
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- Kotler and Armstrong, op.cit., p.290
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