Identification of the Age of Fresh Ginseng Root According to Number of Stem Vestiges in Rhizome

경흔적 수에 의한 수삼의 연근판별

  • Published : 2007.09.30


This experiment was conducted to find identification of ginseng root's age using the number of stem vestiges in rhizome. The number of stem vestiges in rhizome is a useful key to confirm the age of ginseng root as follow : 4-year-old root has two, 5-year-old root has three, 6-year-old root has four. The distribution of stem vestiges in rhizome each year root are as follow : 2 stem vestiges in 4-year-old root is 89.5%, 3 stem vestiges in 5-year-old root is 79.7%, 4 stem vestiges in 6-year-old root is 46.3%. However, the limiting factors of identification of ginseng root's age using the number of stem vestiges in rhizome is appearance of multi-stem per plant and appearance of destroyed stem vestige in rhizome. The ratio of appearance of multi-stem per plant and destroyed stem vestige in rhizome are increased according to root age.

본 시험은 경흔적수 측정법으로 수삼의 연근을 판별하기 위하여, 4, 5, 6년근의 경흔적수 발생실태를 조사하였다. 경흔적수를 이용한 연근판별법은 3년근 경흔적부터 식별가능하여 경흔적수에 2를 더하면 년근판별이 가능하였다. 년근별 경흔적수가 4년생에서 2개 발생율이 89.5%, 5년생에서 3개 발생율이 79.7% 6년생에서 4개 발생율이 46.3%로, 4, 5년근의 판별은 가능하였으나, 6년근 판별은 정확도가 낮아 보조자료로 활용함이 타당하였다. 경흔적을 이용한 연근 판별의 제한요인으로 뇌두파손과 다경발생임을 확인하였고, 뇌두파손율과 다경발생율은 년근이 증가함에 따라 증가되었다.



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