몸과 소통에 관한 연구

Study of Mutual Understanding and Human Body

  • 조원준 (한국한의학연구원) ;
  • 김영목 (원광대학교 한의과대학 한방병리학교실)
  • Chough, Won-Joon (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Yeong-Mok (Department of Oriental Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.25


This study searched the philosophical and medical thought of mutual understanding and human body. Mutual understanding is a fundamental problem in all branches of oriental studies. In other words, mutual understanding becomes the existential foundation of heaven-earth-human(三才). So human beings, heaven and the earth can't exist if there is no mutual understanding. It comes out the problem of self-consciousness in philosophy, and qi movement pattern like upward, downward, inward and outward movement in traditional korean medicine. Human beings have mutual understandings with heaven and the earth from a macroscopic standpoint, on the other side the human body from a microscopic standpoint. Qi movement is the mutual understanding and response of qi in human body, so with which the physiological functions and pathologic changes of viscera and bowels comes out. Therefore we want to present how to complete qi movement between viscera-bowels and organs to examine mutual understandings in human body closely. The results was summarized as follows; First, upbearing the clear yang and down bearing the turbid yin of spleen-stomach is main pivot of upward and downward of qi movement, and it is true form of mutual understandings between viscera and bowels, so upward, downward, inward and outward movement of whole viscera and bowels can be controlled by spleen-stomach. Second, by restraining relationships between downward heart fire and upward kidney water, heart fire and kidney water have close communications physiologically and pathologically as upper-lower, yin-yang and water-fire. Third, by restraining relationships between upbearing and effusion of liver and purification and down-sending of lung, liver and lung are outer circles of upward and downward movement, so they have antagonistic functions. Firth, by the relationships between upbearing the clear and down bearing the turbid of spleen-stomach and free coursing of liver, free coursing of liver-gallbladder is the essential requirement that it certify transportation and transformation of spleen-earth, so the disease of liver-gallbladder induce spleen-stomach disease pattern to affect its function of transportation and transformation. Fifth, by spleen and kidney, spleen yang is based on kidney yang, so the weakness of kidney yang can affect the function of transportation and transformation of spleen-stomach as it can't warm spleen earth. Sixth, by homogeny of liver-kidney, essence and blood of liver-kidney and ministerial fire of liver-kidney have mutal generation and limitation physiologically and they mutually are affected in pathologically.



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