Slacks Pattern Development for Chinese Males in Their 20s

중국 20대 남성의 슬랙스 패턴 개발

  • Lee, So-Young (Division of Fashion & Textiles, Dong-A University) ;
  • Shim, Boo-Ja (Division of Fashion & Textiles, Dong-A University)
  • 이소영 (동아대학교 의상섬유학부) ;
  • 심부자 (동아대학교 의상섬유학부)
  • Published : 2008.02.28


This study held physical measurement for male subjects in their 20s living in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province in China, showing the biggest market in men's clothes. Their representative lower body types with average shapes and sizes were chosen so as to develop men's slacks patterns with better dimension fitness. The following are the results of the analysis: 1. Slacks patterns were made based on the mean measurement values of 5 people, who were closest to the representative body types, from the index*absolute group of 47 people. The dimensions of application for slacks pattern-making were 77cm(omphalion waist circumference), 91cm(hip circumference), and 103cm(slacks length). 2. For the comparison of high-fitness and more-room pattern dimensions, 5 styles of slacks were made: Korean, Chinese, British, Japanese, and industrial. In the dressing fitness tests, industrial patterns had excellent appearance and Japanese ones had the best function. 3. Based on the analysis results of slacks pattern comparison, the target slacks were experimentally made and received superior evaluation points to the compared slacks patterns in two times of evaluation for appearance and function. 4. The final slacks pattern in this research had the following dimensions: front waist circumference: W(1-2cm with room included)/4-1cm, back waist circumference: W/4+1cm, front hip circumference: H(9$\sim$10cm with room included)/4-1cm, back hip circumference: H/4+1cm, crotch length: H/4-1.5cm, hip length: crotch length-H/12, front crotch extension: H/16-1.5cm, back crotch extension: H/8+3cm, knee line: 33cm below crotch line, front tuck amount: 4cm, back dart amount: 2.5cm(center) and 1.5cm(side), and back dart length: 10cm (center) and 6cm(side).



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