Cross-lagged Autoregressive Model을 적용한 청소년의 학업성취와 자아존중감 간 종단관계연구

Longitudinal Relationships between Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem Using Cross-Lagged Autoregressive Modeling

  • 이경은 (중앙대학교 사회복지학과 아동복지) ;
  • 이주리 (중앙대학교 아동복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This longitudinal study investigated the causal relationships between academic achievement and self-esteem using data from a 4-year investigation(2003-2006). Academic achievements and self-esteem were assessed for a sample of adolescents (male 187, female 201) in KYPS (Korea Youth Panel Survey). Cross-lagged autoregressive analyses indicated that for academic achievement and self-esteem, these two variables were reciprocally interrelated in middle school. However, thereafter, middle school 3rd grade students' self-esteem influenced high school 1st grade students' academic achievement, while high school 1st grade students' academic achievement influenced high school 2nd grade students' self-esteem.



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