소비지출 영역별 소비자전망지수와 실제소비

Consumer Expectation Index and Household Consumption Expenditures

  • 김경자 (가톨릭대학교 소비자주거학과)
  • Kim, Kyung-Ja (Dept. of Consumer & Housing Studies, The Catholic Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This study investigated the usefulness of Consumer Expectation Index to predict real household spending. Specifically, the forecasting impact of the index on clothing, eating-out, entertainment, education, and health consumption area was examined. The results showed that the CEI was a good indicator for the future household spending of clothing, eating-out, entertainment and total consumption but it was not true for the spending of education and health. Most of CEls were significantly correlated with household spending even when household income and CPI were controlled. The impact of CEls on household spending tended to be lagged by one or two quarters.



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