An Exploratory Comparison of Supply Chain Integration Practices of Korean and International Manufacturing Plants in Automotive, Electronics, and Machinery Industries

한국과 해외 우수 제조기업의 공급사슬 통합 현황에 대한 탐색적 고찰 : 자동차, 전자, 기계산업을 중심으로

  • Published : 2008.12.31


This study compares supply chain integration practices of high performing manufacturing plants in Korea and those in the U.S., Japan, and six European countries. Data were drawn from the High Performance Manufacturing(HPM) Round 3, a joint data-collection effort on manufacturing and supply chain management. Specifically, in the automotive, electronics, and machinery industries, we selected twenty Korean plants with high performance reputation and chose the same number of non-Korean plants(HPM top 20), based upon their competitive manufacturing capability index and customer satisfaction index. The Korean plants do not significantly differ from HPM top 20 plants in that internal value creation activities are coordinated and integrated at the corporate level and between plants. The Korean plants, however, demonstrated more integration with suppliers than with customers, and only the two of them were classified as 'outward facing', which pursues greater integration with both customers and suppliers. Unbalanced and lower integration with customers of the Korean plants was attributed to the lower than expected manufacturing capability and customer satisfaction. Implications for supply chain professionals were discussed.



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