Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association (한국의상디자인학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 3
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- Pages.149-161
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- 2008
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- 1229-7240(pISSN)
The Characteristics of Return Factor, Information Search and Perceived Risks by Return Experience in Internet Clothing Purchase
인터넷 쇼핑몰 소비자의 의류제품 반품 경험에 따른 반품 요인, 정보 탐색, 위험 지각 특성
- Ji, Hye-Kyung (Dept. of Fashion Design, College of Arts, Hansung University)
- 지혜경 (한성대학교 예술대학 패션디자인)
- Published : 2008.12.31
Internet shopping provides convenience to consumers, however, in recent years the consumer's return rate and return-related disputes continue to increase. This article examines the characteristics of return behavior through return experiences of internet clothing purchases. For an empirical study, questionnaires were handed out to 317 undergraduate male and female students, in which the results had been used for data analysis. Data were analyzed through SPSS 12.0 software, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, ANDVA analysis, Duncan test, and