A new 3D-PTV algorithm(a Volume PTV) based upon a hybrid fitness function has been constructed. A coherency fitness function is introduced using the information of space and time to sort out the correct particle pairs between the two camera images. The measurement system consists of two-high-definition-cameras($1k{\times}1k$), a Nd-Yag laser and a host computer. The developed algorithm has been employed to investigate the flow features of the cylinder wake. The Reynolds numbers with the cylinder diameter(d=10 mm) are 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080 and 1260. Two-dimensional displacements of the particles of each camera's image and neighbouring constraints were introduced to reduce the calculation loads. More than 10,000 instantaneous 3D vectors have been obtained by the constructed algorithm. The constructed algorithm could recover more than $80{\sim}90%$ of the particle numbers in the image condition.