Purpose: TRAM flap reconstruction has settled down as a common method for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. There are a few surgical contraindication in TRAM flap surgery. Previous abdominal liposuction has been a relative contraindication in TRAM flap surgery. The authors present 2 patients of successful breast reconstruction using pedicled TRAM flaps, who previously underwent abdominal liposuction. Methods: Case 1: A 48-year-old woman with a right breast cancer visited for mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Her past surgical history was notable for abdominal liposuction 15 years ago. Skin sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction with a pedicled TRAM flap was performed. Case 2: A 45-year-old woman with a left breast cancer visited us for mastectomy and autologous breast reconstruction. 3 years ago, she had an abdominal liposuction and augmentation mammaplasty in other hospital. Nipple sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction was done using pedicled TRAM flap. Results: One year after the reconstruction, partial fat necrosis was developed in one case but there was no skin necrosis or donor site complication in both patients. Conclusion: As aesthetic surgery becomes more popular, increasing numbers of patients who have a prior abdominal liposuction history want for autologous tissue breast reconstruction. In these patients, TRAM flap surgery will be also used for breast reconstruction. But, the warning of fat necrosis and the use of preoperative Doppler tracing to evaluate the abdominal perforator may be beneficial to patients who had abdominal liposuction recently.