패션 일러스트레이션에서의 이미지 가상화 연구

A Study on the Image-Virtualization in Fashion Illustration

  • 김순자 (상명대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Image which appears in fashion illustration on the late twentieth century is not the representative image as an equivalence to the real fashion styles but the virtual image which bears no relation to any reality. The purpose of this study is review the concept of virtuality and analyze in which way virtual image is expressed in fashion illustrations on the background of Jean Baudrillard's simulacre theory. In post-modem paintings the expression methods of image-virtualization were image mixing through photo-image appropriation, image overlapping, and the icons inserted unreasonably, the focus-out effect through scrubbing and the over-painting on the photograph. Image-virtualization in fashion illustration was expressed through image mixing and expression of image uncertainty. Image mixing was made by photo-image appropriation, image overlapping, connection of heterogeneous images and using interface image, and uncertain image was expressed through the expression of visual ambiguity and virtual movement.



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