Practices of Nutritional Ergogenic Aids Usage by Elite Bodybuilders and Weight Lifters

엘리트 보디빌더와 역도선수의 영양 보조물(nutritional ergogenic aids) 섭취 실제

  • 조성숙 (대한체육회 선수촌) ;
  • 이옥희 (용인대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2008.02.29


The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence and type of nutritional ergogenic aids use, and to determine the frequency, reasons for use of nutritional ergogenic aids. Thirty-four male bodybuilders (mean age = 27.0 years), twenty-four male weight lifters (mean age = 20.9 years) participated in the study. Participants completed a comprehensive survey detailing their usage patterns. In this study, 78.1% of bodybuilders and 79.2% of weight lifters reported using nutritional ergogenic aids. The most frequently taken nutritional ergogenic aids, in ranking order, were protein/amino acid powders (79.4%), multivitamin/minerals (67.7%) and creatine (67.6%) for bodybuilders, in contrast to sports drinks (100.0%), protein/amino acid powders (50.5%) and creatine (50.5%) for weight lifters. Over the half of the respondents, 79.4% of bodybuilders and 50.6% of weight lifters, used protein/amino acid powders to gain muscle mass and to stay healthy. Bodybuilders, 67.6% and weight lifters, 41.7%, used multivitamin/minerals to stay healthy and for energy. The intakes of most vitamin and minerals through diet and nutritional ergogenic aids were much greater than RDA. Vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, niacin, vitamin $B_6$ and folate intakes were ranged at 400-900%. Vitamin C intake was 1285.4% (for bodybuilders) and 1322.6% (for weight lifters). The correct answer rate of nutritional ergogenic aids was 46.0% for bodybuilders and 52.0% for weight lifters. Both bodybuilders and weight lifters took highly nutritional ergogenic aids and it tended to be taken irrespective of scientific background. Specific sport nutrition education applicable to athletes, especially strength athletes, is recommended. The findings of this investigation could be used to enable the professionals (sports dietician and physician) to identity common misconceptions regarding nutritional ergogenic aids and to implement educational programs.



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