김치의 저장 중 품질 유지를 위한 방안 개발

A Method for Maintaining Good Kimchi Quality during Fermentation

  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Colour and texture are the most difficult quality aspects of Kimchi to maintain during storage. Therefore, this study investigated how to maintain superior quality Kimchi during fermentation without changes in color and texture. By examining differences between samples covered with vinyl(A group) and not covered with vinyl(B group) and assessing pH, total acidity, total viable cell count, total lactic acid bacteria cell count and sensory characteristics. The results are indicated that pH, total acidity, total viable cell and total lactic acid bacteria were similar between group A and B. Group A showed higher sensory score for colour, taste, texture and acceptability than group B(p<0.001). Covering the Kimchi with vinyl appeared to have a similar effect as when Kimchi is kept in a Kimchi-pot under stones or the outer leaves of vegetables making it possible to maintain good color and texture during storage. In conclusion, even though, it is not practical to use Kimchi-pots within urban settings today, vinyl coverings may offer the same effects.



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