Journal of Adhesion and Interface (접착 및 계면)
- Volume 9 Issue 1
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- Pages.3-8
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- 2008
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- 1229-9243(pISSN)
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- 2233-8217(eISSN)
Self-Sensing and Interfacial Property of Carbon Nanofiber/Epoxy Composites with Different Aspect Ratios
형상비가 다른 탄소나노섬유/에폭시 복합재료의 자체 감지능 및 계면특성
Jang, Jung-Hoon
(School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University) ;
- Kim, Pyung-Gee (School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University) ;
- Kim, Sung-Ju (School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University) ;
- Wang, Zuo-Jia (School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University) ;
Park, Joung-Man
(School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University) ;
Yoon, Dong-Jin
(Smart Measurement Group, Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science)
(경상대학교 나노.신소재공학부, 고분자공학전공, 공학연구원) ;
- 김평기 (경상대학교 나노.신소재공학부, 고분자공학전공, 공학연구원) ;
- 김성주 (경상대학교 나노.신소재공학부, 고분자공학전공, 공학연구원) ;
- 왕작가 (경상대학교 나노.신소재공학부, 고분자공학전공, 공학연구원) ;
(경상대학교 나노.신소재공학부, 고분자공학전공, 공학연구원) ;
(한국표준과학연구원 스마트계측그룹)
- Received : 2007.11.20
- Accepted : 2007.12.28
- Published : 2008.03.31
Self-sensing was evaluated for carbon nanofiber (CNF)/epoxy composites with two different aspect ratios via electro-micromechanical technique and wettability test. Volumetric electrical resistance was measured to evaluate the comparative dispersion degree indirectly and it decreased due to the increase of electric contacts with increasing CNF concentration. The dispersion degree was evaluated indirectly by calculating coefficient of variation (COV) of volumetric electrical resistance. The CNF type A with a high aspect ratio showed better self-sensing than the case of CNF type B with a short aspect ratio. The CNF type B/epoxy composite showed little self-sensing at a concentration higher than 2 vol% probably due to poor dispersion. The apparent modulus of CNF type B was higher than that of CNF type A due to the orientation effect and the high surface area. The thermodynamic work of adhesion was consistent with the result of apparent modulus.
두 형상비가 다른 탄소나노섬유(CNF) 에폭시 복합재료의 자체 감지능과 계면특성을 전기-미세역학적 시험법을 이용하여 조사하였다. CNF/에폭시 복합재료의 부피 저항은 CNF 부피분율이 증가될수록 전기적 접촉의 증가로 인해 감소하였다. CNF/에폭시 복합재료의 분산도는 부피저항의 변동계수(COV) 값을 계산하여 간접적으로 평가하였다. 형상비가 큰 A타입에서는 B타입에 비해 좋은 자체 감지능을 확인하였으며, 형상비가 작은 B타입에서는 부피분율 2% 이상에서는 자체 감지능을 거의 보여주지 못하였다. 이것은 두 타입의 분산정도와 형상비의 차이에 의한 결과를 나타내었다. 형상비가 작은 B타입의 겉보기 강성도는 배양을 하면서 큰 표면적을 가지기 때문에 A타입보다 크게 나타났다. 열역학적 접착일은 겉보기 강성도와 상호 일치하는 결과를 보여주었다.