Journal of Adhesion and Interface (접착 및 계면)
- Volume 9 Issue 1
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- Pages.9-15
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- 2008
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- 1229-9243(pISSN)
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- 2233-8217(eISSN)
Studies on the Surface Changes and Adhesion of EVA Foam by Plasma Treatment
플라즈마 처리에 의한 EVA Foam의 표면변화 및 접착특성에 관한 연구
- Choi, Myung Jin (Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology) ;
Kim, Dong Ho
(Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology) ;
Kim, Gu Ni
(Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology)
- Received : 2007.12.13
- Accepted : 2008.03.20
- Published : 2008.03.31
EVA foam was treated by oxygen plasma under a various treatment time for surface modification. The effect of plasma treatment on surface properties of EVA foam was investigated in terms of FT-IR ATR, XPS, contact angle, and SEM analysis and the adhesion characteristic of the EVA foam was studied in peel strength. As a results, EVA foam treated by plasma led to an elimination of organic compound, an increase of oxygen content, and an increase of surface roughness, resulting in improving the adhesion properties of the EVA foam. As the plasma treatment time increased, the hydrophilicity and physical change of surface of the EVA foam were increased and showed maximum value at 180 s and 420 s, respectively. The maximum adhesion strength appeared at plasma treatment time of 420 s and therefore, in this study the physical change was thought to be a major factor for improving the adhesion of the EVA foam.
산소 플라즈마를 이용하여 처리시간을 다르게 하면서 EVA foam 표면의 개질을 시도하였다. EVA foam 표면 특성에 대한 플라즈마 처리 효과는 FT-IR ATR, XPS, 접촉각 측정기, SEM을 통해 연구하였으며 EVA foam의 접착특성은 박리접착강도를 측정하여 확인하였다. 플라즈마를 이용한 표면처리 결과, 유기화합물의 제거, 산소함유량의 증가, 표면의 물리적 변화 효과를 얻을 수 있었으며 EVA foam의 접착특성이 향상되었다. 플라즈마 처리 시간이 길어질수록 친수성과 EVA foam 표면의 물리적 변화가 증가하였고 각각 180초와 420초 처리에서 최대치를 나타내었다. 접착력은 420초 처리에서 최고를 나타내었으며 결과적으로 EVA foam표면의 물리적 변화가 접착력에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.