Brain Plasticity and Stroke Rehabilitation

뇌가소성과 뇌졸중 재활

  • Received : 2008.04.20
  • Accepted : 2008.06.15
  • Published : 2008.06.30


Purpose : This article reviewed the advances in the understanding of the effect of motor rehabilitation and brain plasticity on functional recovery after CNS damage. Methods : This is literature study with Pubmed, Medline and Science journal. Results : The inability of CNS neurons to regenerate is largely associated with nonneuronal aspects of the CNS environment. Especially, this neuronal growth inhibition is mediated by myelin associated glycoprotein, olygodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein, and NOGO. Enriched environment, motor learning, forced limb use have been utilized in scientific studies to promote functional reorganization and brain plasticity. Especially, enriched environment and motor enrichment may prime the brain to respond more adaptively to injury, in part by expressed neurotrophic factors. Conclusions : These reviews suggest that activity-induced neural plasticity occur in damaged brain areas in order to functional reorganization, where it could contribute to motor recovery, and represent a target for stroke rehabilitation.
