Culinary science and hospitality research (한국조리학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 4
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- Pages.283-291
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- 2008
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- 2466-0752(pISSN)
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- 2466-1023(eISSN)
The Mineral Contents of Chicken Stock according to Salt Contents - Using a High-Pressure Extraction Cooking -
소금 첨가량에 따른 닭 육수의 무기질 함량 특성 - 고압 가열 추출 방식 이용 -
- Kim, Dong-Seok (Dept. of Culinary Science & Arts, Kyunghee University) ;
- Kim, Jong-Seck (Krazy Ocean Korea Corp.) ;
Choi, Soo-Keun
(Dept. of Culinary Science & Arts, Kyunghee University)
- Published : 2008.12.30
The present study is purposed to suggest accurate guidelines for developing standardized chicken meat stock containing salt, and to develop a product for mass production of uniform quality achieved by applying High Pressure Extraction Cooking(HPEC) using a high.pressure extractor. Through this study, we examined water contents, ash contents, salinity, turbidity and mineral contents of chicken meat stock according to the addition of salt. The ash contents increased with the increase of the addition of salt, but the water contents decreased with the increase of the addition of salt. Salinity increased with the increase of the addition of salt. Turbidity decreased with the increase of the addition of salt, and difference in turbidity according to the addition of salt was regular. Among mineral contents, Na showed the highest content, which was believed to be because of the addition of salt, and it was followed by K and P. The results of this study show that the mineral contents in the stock were different according to the addition of salt, but they were neither proportional to the addition of salt nor showed a regular pattern.