Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 27 Issue 2
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- Pages.170-178
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- 2008
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Case Study of Interaction between Novice and Expert Teachers in Science Teacher Association
과학 교사 모임에서 초임 교사와 경력 교사의 상호 작용에 대한 사례 연구
Hong, Jun-Euy
(Hansung Science High School) ;
Shin, Young-Joon
(Gyeongin National University of Education) ;
Jhun, Young-Seok
(Seoul National University of Education) ;
Shin, Myeong-Kyeong
(Gyeongin National University of Education) ;
- Cho, Su-Min (Jijok High School) ;
- Lee, Soo-Ah (Shinmuk Elementary School) ;
Choi, Jung-Hoon
(Hanyang University)
(한성과학고등학교) ;
(경인교육대학교) ;
(서울교육대학교) ;
(경인교육대학교) ;
- 조수민 (대전지족고등학교) ;
- 이수아 (신묵초등학교) ;
- Published : 2008.05.31
In this research, we observed the co-works among novice and expert science teachers who were involved in a science teacher association and explored their interactions. The science teacher association is K-12 science teachers' gathering near Seoul. This study is a case study with the participant observation and the private interview of 8 novice teachers and 3 expert teachers. Based on the collected data, interaction between novice and expert teachers was categorized as seven types; question and answer, demonstration, presentation, co-working, providing materials, listening, and showing interest. Several factors supporting such an active interaction were derived from this study; 1) Teachers perceived well about the importance and the merits of co-working with other science teachers. 2) The open and cooperative environment of the science teacher association supported teachers' interaction. 3) There were tasks that teachers needed to co-work such as the science fair and the science camp. 4) There were opportunities of interactions for publishing books and developing modules. 5) Lots of expert teachers were willing to help and co-work with novice teachers. We found that novice teachers could continue to grow in terms of the professional development under interactive, continuing and cooperative environment with expert teachers.