남녀대학생의 패션소비유형과 관련변인의 관계연구

A study on the relationship between fashion consumption style and the related variables of male and female consumers

  • 하종경 (동명대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Ha, Jong-Kyung (Dept. of Fashion Design, Tongmyong University of Information Technology)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The study is to provide the types of fashion consumption of male and female university students and to analyze fashion involvement to the types and students' source of fashion information. Then the correlations were examined between fashion involvement and source of fashion information. The data were analyzed by a factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan test, cluster analysis, cross-tabulation analysis. The results are as follows: 1. The awareness about fashion consumption is classified into five factors: "hedonic consumption", "impulsive consumption", "brand loyal consumption", "prudent consumption", and "independent consumption". The fashion involvement to the types is categorized into four factors; "pleasure", "trend", "image", and "risk awareness". The source of fashion information is categorized into "mass media", "product information", and "personal information". 2. The fashion consumption is classified into three types: "an independent consumer type", "a brand loyal/ prudent consumer type", and "an impulsive consumer type". 3. In the fashion involvement to the types and the source of fashion information, there is a high correlation between the factors of "mass media" and "trend", "product information" and "pleasure" and "personal information" and "trend".



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