- 한국도서관협회 도서관기준작생특별위원회, 한국도서관기준. 2003년판(서울 : 한국도서관협회. 2003). p.4
- 한국도서관협회 도서관기준작생특별위원회, 한국도서관기준. 2003년판(서울 : 한국도서관협회. 2003). p.6
- IFLA, Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section, Guidelines for Children's Libraries Services( Hague : IFLA. 2003)
- IFLA, Section of Public Libraries, Standards for public libraries(Munich : Verlag Dokumention, 1973)
- IFLA, Section of Public Libraries, Guidelines for public libraries(Munich : Saur, 1986)
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- The Youth Libraries Committee of The Library Association. Children and young people : library association guidelines for public library services( London : Library Association. 1997)
- Ministry of Education‘ Standards of public library service in England and Wales(London : HMSO. 1962)
- Michael Dewe. Planning and Designing Libraries for Children and Young People(London : Library Association. 1995). p.70
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- 赤星隆子, 兒童圖書館の 誠生(松戶: 理想社, 2007), p.226
- Association Far Library Service to Children, Competencies for librarians serving children in public libraries. revised edition( Chicago ALA. 1999)
- Youth Services Section of the New York Library Association, Nothing but the best: professional standards for youth services in public libraries in New York state(Albany : New Yark Library Association. 2006)
- Children's Issues Section, Standards for public library service to children in Massachusetts(North Andover : Massachusetts Library Association, 1995)
- South Carolina State Library, Youth services guidelines for South Carolina public libraries( Columbia : South Carolina State Library, 2002) : Kansan State Library, Kansas public library youth services Guidelines(Topeka Kansas State Library, 2001)
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- Cameron Morley. Children's policy guidelines for NSW public libraries(Sydney State Library of New South Wales. 2005)
- State Library of Queensland. Guidelines and standards for Queensland public libraries(Brisbane : State Library of Queensland. 2007)
- Michael Dewe, p.63