동태적 혁신이론 기반의 기술 융합 의료서비스 공학모델

A Technology Convergent Medical Service Engineering Model based on the Dynamic Innovation Theory

  • 투고 : 20071100
  • 심사 : 20080300
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Recently, innovative medical services are fast emerging, which include customized medical services based on bio-informatics, composition of cure and well-being exploiting ubiquitous technology, hospital supply chain management using RFID, and so forth. However, conventional approaches for new service development hardly give us systematic model to analyze and produce creative medical services. Because most of them are static and concentrate on microscopic tools or techniques. Thus, it is highly desirable to suggest an integrative framework to organize the whole transformation process from technology to medical service. The objective of this study is to propose a medical service engineering model based on the dynamic innovation theory. The proposed model contains objectives of service system, strategies of hospital, stages, activities required to deal with medical service life cycle, which incorporates the acquisition of new technology, transformation to the product, penetration into market, and adoption of consumers. In addition, the usefulness and applicability of the newly proposed model are provided using catholic medical center example.



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