소음·진동에 의한 가축피해 사례분석

A Case Study on the Effects of Noise and Vibration on the Damage of Livestock

  • 투고 : 2008.10.30
  • 심사 : 2008.11.27
  • 발행 : 2008.12.01


The instances of the damage to livestock are increasing with frequent environmental disputes on the noise and vibration. This study analyzed 134 open cases dealing with the environmental disputes on livestock damaged by noise and vibration, and being intervened by National Environmental Dispute Resolution Commission. The environmental disputes on the noise and vibration account for 86% of all the disputes, and cases of the consequent damages to livestock have increased. As shown in the 134 cases, pig is the most lethal livestock attacked by the noise and vibration. During last 10 years, 89% of the noise damages hurting the livestock resulted from the noises pertaining to construction and 58% was due to the noise damages from the road constructions. The noise levels in the range of 70~80 dB(A) and the vibration levels of 70~75 dB(V) caused most of the disputes. The average rate of reimbursement for the livestock damages for the last 10 years was higher than the average rate of reimbursement of the total disputes intervened by National Dispute Resolution Commission.



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