The Impact of Family Strengths Perceived by Children and Self-Esteem on Friendship Quality

아동이 지각한 가족건강성과 자아존중감이 친구관계의 질에 미치는 영향

  • Cho, A-Ra (Dept. of Consumer and Child Studies, Inha Univ.) ;
  • Hyun, On-Kang (Dept. of Consumer and Child Studies, Inha Univ.)
  • 조아라 (인하대학교 소비자아동학과) ;
  • 현온강 (인하대학교 소비자아동학과)
  • Published : 2008.08.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of family strengths perceived by children and self-esteem on friendship quality. The subjects of this study were 747 students in the 5th and 6th grade who are from 10 elementary schools in Incheon and Gyeonggi Province. The results are as follows: First, positive factor of the friendship quality had significant difference depending upon gender of child. That is, female have higher friendship quality than male. Also, general self-esteem, social-peer self-esteem and positive factor of friendship quality had significant difference depending upon father's educational level. Second, gender of child, self-esteem, family strengths what kind of effect should have gone mad to friendship quality, it examined. The variable of social-peer self-esteem is the most influence positive factor in friendship. The variable of school academic self-esteem is the most influence conflict in friendship. Most important factors that affected competition in friendship were family values. And most important factors that affected satisfaction in friendship were general self-esteem. In conclusion, variables effecting friendship quality include gender of child, self-esteem and family strengths. Therefore, family strengths and self-esteem are very important in order to improve the positive friendship quality of children.



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