청소년의 성역할 정체감이 자아존중감과 의복행동 및 선호 의복이미지에 미치는 영향 -청소년의 성과 연령에 따른 비교분석을 중심으로-

The Effects of Gender-Role Identity on Adolescents' Self Esteem, Clothing Behaviors and Favorite Clothing Image -Focused on analysis by adolescent' sex and age variable-

  • 이미숙 (충남대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • Lee, Mi-Sook (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


The purpose of this study was to exam the effects of gender-role identity on adolescents' self esteem, clothing behaviors and favorite clothing image, focusing on analysis by adolescent' sex and age variable. The research method was survey and the subjects were 447 male and female adolescents in Daejeon, Korea. The questionnaire consisted of 4 measurement instruments (gender-role identity, self-esteem, clothing behaviors, and favorite clothing image) and subject' demographic attributions. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, $X^2$ test, t-test, ANOVA(analysis of variance), Duncan's multiple range test, and Pearson's correlation analysis, using SPSS program. The results are as follows. First, adolescents' gender-role identity and self- esteem were different by age rather than sex. Middle school students were represented by undifferentiated type while high school students were represented by androgynous type, and high school students had higher self-esteem than middle school students. Second, four factors emerged on clothing behaviors(clothing interest & psychological dependence, ostentation, conformity, and comfort), and favorite clothing image(characteristic, neat, active, and romantic image). Third, gender-role identity had important effects on self esteem; androgynous type had higher self esteem than other gender-role identity type. Forth, self-esteem had significant relationship with clothing behaviors and favorite clothing image, and these relationships were different by adolescent' sex and age variable. Fifth, gender-role identity had important effects on clothing behaviors; and rogynous type had more clothing interest, ostentation and comfort than any other gender-role identity type. Sixth, gender-role identity had important effects on favorite clothing images; androgynous type pursued more various clothing images than any other gender-role identity type.



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