대전지역 제 2형 당뇨병 환자의 항당뇨기능성 식품 섭취 실태조사

A Research on Anti-diabetic Functional Food intake of the Subjects with type 2 Diabetes mellitus in Daejeon

  • 박선희 (대전대학교 응용산업대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 왕수경 (대전대학교 응용산업대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


The present study was investigated on type 2 diabetics' actual status of anti-diabetic functional food intake by patients who came to oriental medicine clinics in Daejeon. The male was 37.3% and female was 62.7% of the subjects. The onset of the disease was most common in the age of 50's. Also 40% of the subjects have been suffering for more than 5 years. 35.7% of men, 53.2% for women had family history. Also 61.5% of the patients chose to carry out both diabetic therapy and exercise at the same time. 69.3% of the subjects have had experiences in anti-diabetic functional foods. Anti-diabetic functional foods used to surveyed people were bean, ginseng, and ginseng steamed red of which efficacies were already well known. Besides these foods, other foods such as loach, crucian carp were also used as anti-diabetic foods, but their benefits as anti-diabetic functional foods are not yet fully investigated. Subjects first knew about the therapy because friends or relatives recommended to them and most of them have used for 6 months to 1 year. However, 78.9% of subjects answered 'not so effective' in a question about satisfaction of anti-diabetic functional food. Although many of the patients have tried taking functional foods, they only use them for short period of time and they don't show prominent effect. Therefore these results suggest that in order to use scientifically studied functional foods, education about anti-diabetic functional foods should taken.



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피인용 문헌

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