치과위생사의 특성에 따른 직무만족도에 관한 조사 연구

A study on the relationship of characteristics to job satisfaction among dental hygienists

  • 박성숙 (진주보건대학 치위생과)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the job satisfaction of dental hygienists at nine areas including professionalism. autonomy of job performance. backing system. relationship with colleagues. relationship with workers of higher and lower position. relationship with dentists. relationship with supporting departments, relationship with patients and compensation. The subjects in this study were 178 dental hygienists in dental hospitals and clinics. The survey was conducted from December. 2007 to January. 2008. Date were collected by self-administrated questionnaire. A SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used for statistical analysis. So try to for make basic data analysis recognition of enhance job satisfaction of dental hygienist. The findings of the study were as follows : 1. Regarding the relationship of career to job satisfaction. the dental hygienists who worked for one or two years were most satisfied in terms of professionalism. as they got a mean of 3.84. 2. As for connections between academic credential and job satisfaction. those who graduated from junior colleges expressed the best satisfaction at professionalism. since they got a mean of 3.75. 3. As to link between current service area and job satisfaction. the dental hygienists who worked in the region of Gyeong-nam were most gratified with professionalism. as they got a mean of 3.76. 4. Concerning relations between the type of workplace and job satisfaction. the dental hospital employees were most contented with professionalism. as they got a mean of 3.79. 5. In regard to the number of dental hygienists at current workplace and job satisfaction. those whose workplace hired 20 or 30 dental hygienists expressed the best satisfaction with the relationship with dentists. They got a mean of 3.94.
