열대 및 북태평양에서 ENSO와 관련된 표층수온과 해면고도의 경년 변동성

Interannual Variabilities of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Level Anomaly related to ENSO in the Tropical and North Pacific Ocean System

  • 김응 (한국해양연구원 기후.연안재해연구부) ;
  • 전동철 (한국해양연구원 기후.연안재해연구부)
  • Kim, Eung (Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Jeon, Dong-Chull (Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Research Department, KORDI)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


In order to understand the variation of ENSO-related oceanic environments in the tropical and North Pacific Ocean, spatio-temporal variations of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) are analyzed from distributions of complex empirical orthogonal functions (CEOF). Correlations among warm pool variation, southern oscillation index, and ocean surface currents were also examined with respect to interannual variability of the warm pool in western tropical Pacific. Spatio-temporal distributions of the first CEOF modes for SSTA and SSHA indicate that their variabilities are associated with ENSO events, which have a variance over 30% in the North Pacific. The primary reasons for their variabilities are different; SST is predominantly influenced by the change of barrier layer thickness, while SSH fluctuates with the same phase as propagation of an ENSO episode in the zonal direction. Horizontal boundary of warm pool area, which normally centered around $149^{\circ}E$ in the tropics, seemed to be expanded to the middle and eastern tropical regions by strong zonal currents through the mature phase of an ENSO episode.



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