The Moderating Effects of Internet Shopping Involvement on the Relationship between Usability, Trust of Internet Shopping Sites and Customer Loyalty

인터넷 쇼핑 사이트의 사용성 및 신뢰성과 고객 충성도간의 관계에서 인터넷 쇼핑 관여도의 조절효과

  • 서건수 (순천향대학교 경영학과)
  • Published : 2008.09.30


This paper proposes an integrated model of customer loyalty in the context of Internet shopping based on a review of two competing perspectives - transactional and relational views. The research model suggests that the usability and trust associated with an Internet shopping site are key determinants of customer loyalty. In this paper, factors such as promotion, ease of use/navigation, and purchase facilitation are posited as major determinants of usability. Trust, on the other hand, is assumed to be influenced by the quality of communication, social shopping service, and safety level associated with an Internet shopping site. This paper also asserts that the lack of consideration for individual differences is one of the key reasons for the inconsistent and mixed research findings in user acceptance literature. In this regard, the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is considered to be appropriate referent theory as it may theoretically explain why a particular information technology (IT) related message has varying influences on different adopters. The research model comprising 11 hypotheses was derived from and validated through a survey involving 271 university students. The partial least square(PLS) method was used to test the suitability of the research model and its hypotheses. Overall, the results suggest that the usability and trust associated with an Internet shopping site play an important role in acquiring loyal customers. In particular, the user's Internet shopping involvement is found to moderate the relationship between trust and customer loyalty.



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