One of the problems with testing for the presence of $CO_2$ is that the results are not visible. In order to over-come this weak point, a new testing method was developed with BTB indicator equipment, that made the gas visible. After that, the experiment was performed and tested the effects of the new visible equipment. The visible equipment could be adapted to regular class use successfully. Also, it was effective in that it reduced waste of gas, minimized danger potential through use of $CO_2$ canisters and candle-sticks, and also increased knowledge about indicators. The new experimental method and equipment affected the students' interest. It is possible that the students' positive participation was due to their interest in the new apparatus and application of the visual senses. The new system was tested fer its effects on teaching content and helping to produce sustained memory of the content. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of content learning on initial content memory. However, when students in both groups were tested 4 months later, the visual experiment group sustained memory performance, while the other group showed a significant decrease. Generally, boys score higher than girls in terms of interest and participation in experimental activities. In this case, however, there were no difference between groups. It may have been due to introduction of new equipment and different methods from the textbooks. So, this could increase participation in science using various experiments.