Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 27 Issue 3
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- Pages.287-295
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- 2008
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Difference in Elementary Student Behaviors according to the Material Types Provided as Classifying Leaves
분류 과제 제시 형태에 따른 초등학생들의 잎 분류 행동 차이
- Lee, Jung-Kyoung (Suwon Seoho Elementary School) ;
- Ha, Min-Su (Korea National University of Education) ;
- Cha, Hee-Young (Korea National University of Education)
- Published : 2008.08.31
Elementary students' behaviors classifying leaves have been analyzed according to the material types provided for the classification class. 199 sixth grade students were participated in the task classifying the leaves of various plants for the research. The three types of materials provided to them for the class were real leaves, photos of the leaves and explanation cards including the photos of leaves. One of the research findings was that the only material made students handle in the observed behaviors was the real leave of the material types given as classifying. Three were differences between groups in the time required and the number of using criteria for the class. The numbers of criteria had been applied to analyzing their behaviors as classifying the real leaves which were less than those with photo materials. The amount of taken time to classify the real leaves and photo materials were less than those of another material. Finally, the contents of criteria did not differ between groups except appearing properties presented to the task with photo and explanation materials. It is expected that the research can be contributed for elementary school teachers and for curriculum developers to choose appropriate instructional materials as constructing curriculum contents for elementary science to make elementary school students acquire classifying skill in science classes.
- teaching inquiry;
- process skills;
- classifying;
- plant leaves;
- elementary school student behaviors;
- curriculum development