Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 27 Issue 3
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- Pages.307-317
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- 2008
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
An Investigation of the Elementary School Students' Perceptions of the Scientific and Technological Professions by Using the 'Drawing Scientific and Technological Workplaces'
'과학.기술 관련 일하는 장소 그리기'를 이용한 초등학생들의 과학.기술 관련 직업에 대한 인식 조사
- Kim, Kyung-Sun (Seoul National University) ;
- Lee, Seon-Woo (Seoul National University) ;
- Han, Su-Jin (Seoul National University) ;
Noh, Tae-Hee
(Seoul National University)
- Published : 2008.08.31
In this study, we investigated the elementary school students' perceptions of the scientific and technological professions by using the 'drawing scientific and technological workplaces'. The subjects were 401 students of 4th and 6th grades at three elementary schools in Seoul. The results revealed that many students drew the interiors of laboratories or factories as scientific and technological workplaces, and explained the nature of the work- place, but students' images were superficial and general. Most students' drawings also exhibited the stereotypical images of science and technology as androcentric and negative perceptions. Students were mainly inclined to perceive that the works relevant to science were experiments, and the works relevant to technology were productions and repairs. Most students answered more than two examples of scientific and technological professions, but their responses were not various and were biased toward basic scientists, blue-collar workers, and repairers. Educational implications of these findings were discussed.
- perceptions of scientific and technological professions;
- scientific and technological workplace;
- elementary school student