The Effects of family of Origin Experiences and Self-Differentiation on Marital Relationship and Parent-Child Relationship in the Nuclear Family among Married Men and Women

기혼남녀의 원가족 경험과 자기분화가 핵가족의 부부관계와 부모자녀관계에 미치는 영향

  • Cho, So-Hee (Dept. of Human Ecology, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Chung, Hye-Jeong (Dept. of Human Ecology, Chonbuk National University)
  • Published : 2008.10.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of family-of-origin experiences(parents' marital adjustment and affectionate relationship with parents) and self-differentiation on the nuclear family relationships(marital adjustment of married men women, and affectionate relationship with child). Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire method with 159 married men and 193 married women. The results showed that first, married men and women perceived the level of family-of-origin experiences lower than that of nuclear family relationships, and there were significant differences in the level of marital adjustment across sex, age, marital status, and income. Second, there was significant positive correlation between family-of-origin experiences and self-differentiation, between family-of-origin experiences and the nuclear family relationships, and between self-differentiation and the nuclear family relationships. Third, multiple regression analyses indicated that parents' marital adjustment and emotional cutoff were the powerful predictors of marital adjustment of married men women. Finally, women's affectionate relationship with child was predicted by such variables as affectionate relationship with parents, fusion with others, and emotional fusion, whereas men's affectionate relationship with child was predicted by such variables as affectionate relationship with parents, emotional reactivity, and I-position.



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