Objectives : Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) is a hair care product which is composed of ten plant extracts used in oriental medicine. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) on hair regrowth and cytokine changes in a shaving model of C57BL/6 mice. Materials and Methods : Five-week-old mice were acclimated for 1 week at a temperature between $21-23^{\circ}C$, 40-60% relative humidity, and 12h of a light/dark cycle before beginning of the experiment. There were three experimental groups including 50% ethanol (EtOH, control), a positive control of 3% Minoxidil, and 30% Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) in 50% ethanol in 18 female mice. The test compounds were topically treated once a day over 12 days. The hair regrowth was photographically and histologically determined during the experimental period of 12 days. Revelation of EGF, $TGF-{\beta}1$ and IL-6 in hair follicle were also determined using immunohistochemistry. In addition to that, IL-6, $TNF-{\alpha}$, and $IL-1{\beta}$ in skin tissue were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Results : Hair regrowth in 3% Minoxidil and Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) groups was promoted earlier and faster than the control group. Concentrations of hairs and thick-hair ratio in 3% Minoxidil and Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) groups were promoted than the control group. EGF was moderately positive in hair follicle of 3% Minoxidil and Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) groups, but negative in the control group. $TGF-{\beta}1$ was not significantly difference between the groups. IL-6 in hair follicle of Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) group was negative, but weakly positive in 3% Minoxidil and control group. IL-6 and $IL-1{\beta}$ in skin tissue were significantly decreased in Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) group, but there was not significantly decreased in 3% Minoxidil and control group. $TNF-{\alpha}$ in skin tissue was significantly decreased in 3% Minoxidil and Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) groups. Conclusions : These results suggest that Saengbal-eum-II($Sh{\bar{e}}ngf{\grave{a}}-y{\breve{i}}n-ll$) has hair growth promoting activity and it can be used for treatment of alopecia. And these effects relate to EGF revelation of hair follicle and a decrease IL-6, $TNF-{\alpha}$, and $IL-1{\beta}$ in skin tissue.